Since ancient times, mankind has created different types of artifacts intended to be used in itself, and intended to ward off evil or to attract good luck. Today, we call these things talisman or amulet. But what they differ from each other, and what is round? What are they? You can use both a cross and an amulet, or the most magical things? To all of these questions and some other answer in this article.
What are the types of amulets and talismans are and how to use them?

Let's start with the most important - with settings. Many times, the word talisman, amulet and ward consider them as synonyms, but it is not the correct method. Shades of meanings here is quite significant.
So, the mascot - magical item, whose function is to attract the media to the desired forces situations. Therefore, the mascot can be used to attract luck, love, financial well-being, attractiveness and so on. Speaking the language of computer games: +10 to charisma, +100 to health. Thus, we can say that Pushkin in his lines to keep me, my mascot donated towards pleasing rhyme and size.
The correct way to use the mascot, once the protective function of mascot, it is usually not, its best to hide from prying eyes, put it close to your body or, simply, to have a a suitable fabric. However, with each mascot has to understand separately - many times the mascots contain elements of joss, t. e. guard, about what we are reading to learn more below. For example, images of crosses, the symbols, the pentagram as a part of or the basis of the costume that will protect him from negative attention. The stone-talisman can also be used in mind, t. to. natural minerals have a natural protection. The same goes for the ring-mascot - the ring at the base of your has rim, the circle round, the symbol of the wheel of life. And the mascot on clubsparae better fix in izenaveparaat robes, for that was not visible.
An amulet (from Latin amulētum) - magic item, intended to reduce or withdraw support exposure factors and undesirable force. Amulet can protect on the way, protect from spoilage and the evil eye. It can also bring good luck. But the difference is that the costume acted as a magnet for luck, pulling it, and in the amulet, it prevents that to happen, something that will break their plans. Therefore, the result may be the same, but on the more subtle mechanics of the process is different.
The correct way to use the amulet as it performs the function of protection, it does not matter if your visa for the other. It can be used discretely (for example, a christian ontelny cross - in your title is already a hint where this, in fact, an amulet - in the body). You can put on and off, on top of the clothes. This can be a ring, earring, suspension - as, many times, use the red wire in his hand, like a bracelet. In fact, the red wire can also be амatletOhm.
The word round takes place from the Russian verb to protect, and your target is similar with the appointment of an amulet. It protects against the evil eye, negativity and evil. However, the round can be not only personal to the subject, wearable on the body or for yourself. Round can be used to protect your home, car or other goods, and be, respectively, at the door of the house, in the kitchen of the house, or sleep under the mirror on a machine (doll, magic pouch, and t. d.). Also the function of aboutepeha can meet, not a discipline, but, for example, embroidery on apparel with the clothes that they wore the ancient slavs, where each element had its meaning and purpose.
The correct way to use round: basically, talismans for those, who has a personal nature and does not belong in the house, outside, in a prominent place. In traditional culture round was an integral part of the clothing and style of embroidery, decoration, whole garment (such as, for example, the time). Talismans used in the vicinity of important and vulnerable points in the body - as seen on the national consciousness. Such places were the area around the face (hats, earrings), breast (necklaces, suspensions), the area of the zone and below the waist (belt buckle), wrist (bracelets or embroidered with sleeves). Also talismans he wore behind, his back against the evil eye and the words, moulded on the back. Today, the protective function of the back can perform, for example, the icons and charms in the backpack.
All kinds of these magic items may be artifacts, t. e. the objects created by man (and not necessarily from the beginning with the goal of magic – for example, horseshoe), and objects of natural origin. These latter include, for example, natural crystals and druses of stones, parts of animals (for example, teeth or feathers), grass and twigs of plants, and other gifts of nature.
How long can I wear amulets and talismans?
Amulets and talismans, it is possible to maintain, continuously, until they will not work completely. These items, fulfilling the function of protection take upon themselves the negative of the outside world and keep it within themselves, so that should clear up - that way, we describe below.
However, there comes a time when the feature of joss is fully developed, and it breaks. Red wire is torn, the charms of the transport ring, earrings - another part, from the ring drops a stone or in it, you receive crack cocaine. This means that you are no longer using. However, this does not refer to the decorations of precious metals - only jewellery. Decoration of silver, you can safely repair, clean, and it again will work.

Mascots leading up to the execution of a task, for which they were created. Then you can burn that enables the material, or clean and with gratitude to tidy up in an isolated place, until, again, they don't need. When you make the decision to let himself keep the mascot, think about how you act. Navigate need, before everything own sensations, in line with the talisman, and вwithlatшайtecamping in your inner silence. What does he want? Expect your time in the jewelry box in her closet magician? Rest on the river bottom? Burn? Accept the response and do what you need.
You can use multiple amulets at the same time?
There is no reason why it was not possible to use simultaneously more than amulets. Slavic characters good living with withparaandиonвwithparathey, and runic pets, you can put pretty much anything.
If you have a question, is it possible to use two amulets simultaneously take both (preferably, for that they were already enabled), put in front of you. Good to light a candle, for example, white or purple, to sharpen your perception. Focus your attention on to lie in front of you subjects. How will they interact? Don't you feel among them voltage? You know, how they can build on the magnets with the same polarity? Does not occur if you have this feeling of resistance between these artifacts?
If not, if you feel that they do not conflict among themselves, courageously put them together.
If you would like to use some stones, the animals, simultaneously, being repulsed properties of stones. For example, should not simultaneously use the stones, that are related with the elements of Water and Air, of Fire and Earth, Water and Fire. But the stones of Air and Fire, Water and Earth, and they combine and reinforce each other. However, sometimes, magical, decoration violate this rule, you must not be afraid. In addition, the main thing that you must navigate - your inner sense. If you feel that it is this combination of stones, which you need, then, is like that.
You can use an amulet, along with the point of the cross?

Our ancestors - grandparents, great-grandparents, all our grand-grand calmly wore traditional talismans and amulets, along with a cross. Finally, the cross is a type of amulet, to protect from evil spirits and serves as a personal symbol for the christian, эгpeгоpat.
Today, the church negatively applies to all types of magical disciplines, and to judge them, as the superstition. We, for our part, we do not see obstacles to transport different types of amulets and talismans, along with the cross. In addition, there are a number of christian amulets from the holy places and, often, wearable VOCepparaOVLethe best people, for example, atзelparaovye the rosary or red wire from Jerusalem.
In short, the decision to use one or the other amulet or talisman, simultaneously, with the attributes of religion - a personal thing of each one, christian, muslim or buddhist.
What are the amulets are about the red wire?
Red wire is the oldest aboutepeгOhm. Usually lead, in the wrist of the left hand. The most famous view of such a filament - the red thread of Jerusalem.
Also on the red wire can be used with other small charms, beads, pendants, the function of amulets. For example, a bracelet of desires – red string with pearls, which if burst, just show the desired performance. Red wire which plays the role of aboutepeha and improves the action of the amulets, which she is wearing.
What is the hand carry amulets
It is believed that the left hand is receptive, while the right hand conductor, which gives. In fact, this not only refers to the hands, but, so to speak, to the sides of the body. That is, amulets, seek to protect from evil and negativity, it is good to keep the left-hand side, for example, in the left hand. Or to the left on the chest, if it is a brooch.
Talismans, for example, to the union, or a pentacle of solomon (wealth), or talismans to attract love, happiness, luck, it is possible to keep the right-hand side.
Any amulets and talismans can be worn on the neck, on the chest, in the middle of the body. Here, the most important is the regularity, which the position. For example, a bag-mascot, usable on the chest next to the skin, or better, make your business, than he that is in the house and is used, depending on the case.
Separate note amulets related to the continuation of the species. Talismans for pregnant women or talismans, brought by women to the design may want to use in the region of the belly and hips.
You can use bought the wrong amulets
The question, you can use a strange talisman or amulet, originally purchased and not you, requires an individual approach. Certainly, it is a personal matter, almost intimate. The relationship with the magical, the things add up for a very long time, sometimes years, and the change of owners of amulets and talismans don't like. Therefore, it is believed that the magic item of this type should be purchased for yourself, and give once more. But this rule has exception.
If, for example, is the decor, which is transmitted in a species from generation to generation, is an amulet, a happy owner and can only be envy. Even a simple brooch vintage with the black cat favorite of his grandmother, in his youth, can become the strongest aboutepeгOhm.
Also amulets and talismans, you bought a gift and пpeatdnewithennыe with sincere and warm wishes of happiness, it will be of great strength - perhaps even more than the bought for you.
How to clean amulets, talismans and charms
When wearing these magical things take upon themselves the negative, the evil, points of view, and evil desires, and also to divert unwanted twists of fate. So, sometimes, it is necessary to clean them of the accumulated and fill them with new strength.
Clear charms need, with the help of elements:
- The fire - passing on the flame of a candle, visualizing how all the onnоwithnоe burning it.
- Water - atdepжав under running water under the faucet (if you do not have access to a creek or river).
- Earth - bury with salt or the earth and leaving for several days.
- Air - exhaust purifying incense.
Choose a method of according to your wishes and, more importantly, with the material of which it is made, so as not to spoil it. The most secure to the physique of an amulet - a method of water purification.

In principle, in order to effectively clean the costume with water, enough intention and visualization, but you can use a spell or a conspiracy. Make one yourself or use ready.
Let your amulets, talismans, and lucky charms serve him faithfully, protecting you and bringing joy, happiness and good luck!